A Cultural Audit of Folkestone's Youth

Commissioned by Creative Folkestone, our innovative graphic questionnaire was created as part of the "Find Your Talent" initiative to conduct a Cultural Audit of young people's cultural engagement across Folkestone and Hythe.

The audit aimed to understand how young people in Folklestone and Hythe interact with culture and to develop a toolkit that would help them access even more cultural activities. To capture this information, we designed a graphic questionnaire featuring cartoons and graffiti, used during question-and-answer sessions in school classrooms. This approach was specifically tailored to overcome challenges related to literacy, age, and comprehension.

Developed by a team of artists, educators, and data analysis experts, the consultation program provided a comprehensive profile of young people's cultural involvement. Every one of the district's 14,000 schoolchildren participated, receiving their own cultural profile.

In just 12 weeks, we conceptualised, designed, and produced the toolkit, engaged face-to-face with 14,000 students, collected over two million data points on their cultural activities, and facilitated more than 500 hours of meaningful discussions with young people across 45 schools.