Jude the Liverpool Giant

On Tuesday, August 28th, Strange Cargo took to the streets of Liverpool to lead a spectacular pageant celebrating the city’s 800th birthday, commemorating the signing of the City Charter in 1207.

Following public consultations, the Strange Cargo team created a Giant Lady to embody the many facets of this renowned city. Her 'Big Head' companions are two Liver birds. The artists also conducted a series of carnival workshops where groups crafted large carnival figures to feature in the pageant.

At 12:07 pm, amidst a shower of confetti and ticker tape, Jude the Giant was introduced to Paul Cline, the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, by Strange Cargo Artistic Director Brigitte Orasinski. The Lord Mayor was also presented with the original design for the Giant’s dress.

Jude will reside at the new World Museum and has already been featured on the Beatles Tour of the City.