Skellynight 2000

Drawn from the imagery of the Mexican Day of the Dead Festival to reflect Ramsgate's history as a Roman Burial ground.

November 2000

As part of Thanet Council's arts development programme Strange Cargo worked with Isle of Thanet Arts to create a spectacular family event for Ramsgate.

The theme of Skellynight was drawn from the imagery and identity of the Mexican Day of the Dead Festival or Día de los Muertos and was perfect for Ramsgate with it's history of being a Roman Burial ground. Dias de los Muertos is a major community celebration in Mexico, which draws back the veil between the living and dead for one night a year, during the festival of All Souls, to celebrate the memory of dead relatives.

Hundreds of colourful, costumed characters paraded around the harbour to the beach, where a giant graveyard came to life with a fantastic pyrotechnic finale.

The event drew participation from local schools and community and rapidly built a large audience for the event.
