Alzheimer's Centre
Broadmeadow alzheimer's centre installation. Strange Cargo produced a series of photographic prints from their public art project Other People's Photographs
People’s Guidebook to Folkestone
Andrea Schlieker commissions Strange Cargo to create new public artwork as part of the 2011 Folkestone Triennial.
The Message Hubs
At three sites at in East Folkestone, Strange Cargo's community noticeboard scheme called The Message Hubs was unveiled.
Cheriton Winter Grotto
For the first installment of their Cheriton Artland programme Strange Cargo presented The Winter Grotto, an installation at the The Factory in Cheriton.
Stretching New Boundaries
During 2011 Folkestone Triennial, Strange Cargo hosted Stretching New Boundaries, a symposium which addressed the Future of Participation in Visual Arts.
Charivari 2011
The suncream and dancing shoes were out in force on as Strange Cargo’s 15th Charivari Day carnival made the streets of Folkestone vibrate with the massive sound of drums, cheers and carnival whistles.