
Tour de France

Challenging perception of place, the Canterbury's Tour de France event brought the Kent countryside into the urban city centre.


Charivari 2007

Charivari 2007, marked a return to traditional carnival techniques and materials, 'World Carnival' was the theme and in preparation we stocked up on feathers, glitter, netting and sequins!


Pimp My Bench Films

Young people can often experience public spaces as areas of control and exclusion, creating a sense of alienation and being unwanted. The groups they form to combat this in turn alienate the wider community.


BBC Blast

When the BBC Blast on Tour came to Folkestone Harbour over May Bank Holiday weekend, Strange Cargo ran a one day workshop project for young people.


Folkestone Hoardings

During the building of Bouverie Place Strange Cargo was commissioned by Bridehall. Strang Cargo worked with local secondary schools to create a series of hoarding site posters, based on faros works of art.


Winter Wishes Lantern Parade

The Winter Wishes parades were designed to create linked community celebrations in the UK and France and offer the children of each town the opportunity to celebrate together.


Bulgarian Research Trip

Strange Cargo visited the ancient Kukeri festival in Bulgaria to research the sustainability of participatory festivals.


Jude the Liverpool Giant

Strange Cargo took to the streets of Liverpool on Tuesday 28th August to lead a spectacular pageant to celebrate the city's 800th birthday, marking the anniversary of the signing of the City Charter in 2007.

Avelynne the Aveley Giant

Strange Cargo worked with staff, students and parents of Aveley Primary to explore ways for them to raise their heads above the parapet of village life.